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Madera lavada blanca
Creando calma
Chica sentada en la ventana

When the cause of pressure or imminent danger has passed, your stress hormones will level off. However, if you are constantly under stress, those hormones will remain in your body and cause symptoms of stress.

Stress is the feeling of being under too much physical, mental, or emotional pressure.

Physically the body goes into overdrive and produces hormones that accelerate the heart rate, breathing and raise your blood pressure.

Blood flows from the front of the brain into the long muscles to support the Run-Fight-Freeze response.

This protection is healthy protection against imminent danger. It stops being healthy when it becomes chronic and when there are no recovery times.

Image by Keenan Constance
Mujer tensionada

Too many things to do in a short time, demanding children, financial problems, health problems, a grumpy boss, family problems, too much information from the media?

It is not surprising that we are stressed and anxious most of the time.

Battling with stress?

Hombre tensionado
 Mujer joven que comtempla


Prolonged stress can cause poor concentration, poor memory, learning problems, frequent negative thoughts, impaired speech, and more.


Chronic stress and anxiety can cause headaches, digestive problems, recurring pain, and other medical issues related to the physical impact stress has on the body.


Prolonged stress can cause depression, sadness, anxiety, agitation, bad mood, irritability, anger, feeling overwhelmed, loneliness, isolation, and more.

Do you identify with one or more of these symptoms?

You are not alone!

My client Regina came to the office with great anxiety. The list of what to do and the responsibilities of life had her overwhelmed.

She was agitated, impatient and in a bad mood.

Everything caused him stress.

Every day he yelled at his children and then suffered from the guilt of his actions.

She felt a great sadness that accompanied her daily, she did not sleep well, she had recurring neck and headaches.

Regina thought that this was only happening to her and therefore she believed that something very bad, that had no remedy, was happening to her.

Fortunately, Energy Medicine provides us with simple and powerful techniques that work quickly and easily.

Stress becomes more manageable and less challenging.

What a relief!

Eden Energy Medicine is a practice that provides assessments and interventions that focus on the body's more subtle and electromagnetic energy systems.

Energy Medicine awakens energies that bring endurance, joy and enthusiasm to your life, and greater vitality to your body, mind and spirit.

Balancing your energies balances your body chemistry, regulates your hormones, helps you feel better, and helps you think better.

It has been called the path of self-care and development of the future.

It allows you to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century and thrive within them.

Conventional medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the biochemistry of cells, tissues, and organs.

Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the body's energy fields that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissues, and organs.

Changing impaired energy patterns can be the most efficient and least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and the psyche.

With this electronic book you will obtain the necessary tools to take control of your life and stop being a victim of stress. The techniques that I am going to teach you will take you from stress to calm.


This valuable book has a cost of 500 pesos, but for a limited time you can get this e-book and the techniques in it, for the incredible price of 100 pesos.

Madera lavada blanca
Creando calma
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$ 500 mxn
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